Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Palakkad                                       (2018-2022)

Course Work (CSE)

  • Introduction to Programming
  • Logic for Computing
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Theory of Computation
  • Computer Organisation
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Operating Systems
  • Paradigms of Programming
  • Database Management Systems
  • Complier Design
  • Computer Networks
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Software Engineering
  • Parallel Programming (Elective)
  • Foundations of Data Science and Machine Learning (Elective)
  • Reinforcement Learning (Elective)

Course Work (Mathematics)

  • Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Statistics
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Calculus
  • Vector Calculus and Liner Algebra

Course Work (Humanities)

  • Culture and Gender Performativity
  • Professional Ethics
  • Foundation of Linguistics
  • Principles of Economics
  • Media, Identity, and the Self

Course Work (Basic Sciences and Engineering)

  • Life Sciences
  • Introduction to Engineering
  • Engineering Drawing
  • Concepts of Engineering Design
  • Ecology and Environment
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Theoretical and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Organic Reactions
  • Engineering Thermodynamics

Course Work (Physics)

  • Physics - I
  • Physics - II
  • Basics of Quantum Information Communication and Computation

Course Work (Laboratory Practice)

  • Workshop Practice
  • Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
  • Aritficial Intelligence Lab
  • Computer Organisation Lab
  • Digital Circuits Lab
  • Operating Systems Lab
  • Paradigms of Programming Lab
  • Database Management Systems Lab
  • Computer Networks Lab
  • Chemistry Lab