
I watch a lot of anime, and inherently I wanted to portray my love for anime. It is through art I feel I can share more than what I can with mere words. A picture is indeed worth more than a thousand words (Finally I get to quote this!!). I started drawing unexpectedly, where the first time I drew was the Rengoku picture which was supposed to be a practice picture on paper for the real one to go on my dorm wall in college (As the second season was airing and its the first time we were watching the same anime we all love - Demon Slayer). But ever since then, it caught on to me. I found myself drawing more often than not, as the feeling I get once I finish the art piece was ecstatic. It also served as a means to calm my chaotic thoughts and also taught me the value of patience and the ability of seeing things through to the end.


I’ve always loved dancing ever since I was a kid. Almost in all of the annual days I found myself dancing. Not only this, but every oppotunity I got during any house event or group activity I revelled in the joy of dancing. Dancing is another form of art that is a major stress buster for me. It taught me a lot about human co-ordination and how deeply we can understand each other through mere actions. I mostly do hip-hop dance, but I also remember doing classical dance when I was a kid. I’m posting only the dance programs that I was a part of during college, because I feel these were more meaningful to me, as it opened me up to people and helped me essentially form a long lasting connections. Infact the flash mob was the first group event during the college, and was kind of like the one group event with my friends that solidified our friend group.

  • This is the Intra IIT dance competition Naatya 2020, where I was a part of the team Mystique that won the second place.
  • This is the flash mob that I was a part of for the promotion of our techno cultural fest - Petrichor


During my intermediate education (or high school for people not familiar), I used to commute to school instead of staying in hostel. Our timings used to be gruesome, I used to wake up at 5am, get ready and head to school at 6am in an auto and then come back from school at 10pm at night. Yes I honestly to date dont know how I pulled this schedule off. All for cracking this JEE Advanced Exam. Anyways, despite this, my free time was during my journey to school and back to home. And during this time I often was stuck in traffic for the most part. This actually made me see the state of the society outside. As a first phase, I used to love staring at the sky, and watching people being busy with their lives, but one thing that caught my attention was that there were people on the streets, often little kids begging for money and selling some toys for money. For some reason, this made me feel emphathetic and almost made me cry to a point where I felt that the world was unfair and I felt extremely lucky to be healthy and alive. All I could do then was provide them leftovers from my school mess. This evoked a sense of responsibility as a citizen in the society and made me emphathetic towards the less fortunate. For this reason I joined the robin hood army, an organization that helps the needy with food distribution, and till date still participate in volunteering drives across the city.

  • As a part of robin hood army, I was responsible for food/milk distribution for the less fortunate people suffering from leprosy, TB, HIV/AIDS.

Sky Photography (Sky Scrapes)

Amidst the tumultuous events triggered by the onset of COVID-19, marked by my family contracting the virus and my brother’s diagnosis with a trigeminal schwannoma (brain tumour), I often spent my free time on the terrace finishing my assignments for the day because of the unpleasant situation at home. During breaks, I developed a habit of gazing at the sky, captivated by the mesmerizing shapes the clouds formed. This contemplative activity not only served as a distraction but also evolved into a source of tranquillity and inspiration. As I continued to find respite in these moments, I began capturing the beauty of the sky during serene evenings, eventually transforming this practice into a meaningful hobby. The calming and graceful movements of the clouds provided a sense of alleviation during a challenging period, fostering a connection with nature that I hadn’t anticipated. This newfound hobby became a therapeutic retreat, offering a serene escape amidst the chaos of life’s uncertainties.

You can view my full collection here.